Dialogue helps to produce clarity

This is an ancient truth, and probably an article of faith for a coach, but I am triggered into writing this post by having to re-develop my website www.corleoneconsulting.com.

The whole process made me realise how much I use the web-site as a way to dialogue with myself about what I do and why. And how much this has helped me develop me over the years. I have always added and edited bits and pieces as my work has given me new insights or new ways of explaining things to people. But there is always an element of being constrained by the structure that is already there and the ideas you started with. Having to start again from scratch allowed me to look at everything on my site afresh and structure the new site in line with my current thinking and practices. It was reassuring to find how much coherence and clarity I now have! I'm not saying I have a perfect model, simply one that works for me and is well integrated - one of my key goals. And it really focuses me on whether I am consistently doing what I say I do.

So if you have a web-site yourself, don't just let it be a glorified business card. Look at it and change it regularly. Challenge yourself to ensure it really reflects your thinking and your practice really reflects what it says. You might find it a dialogue that works for you as well.