Understanding our 4 worlds

My last post prompted some questions - great to get a response BTW - about my focus on the "inner world". It prompts me to say something more about the four worlds model - a really helpful way of clarifying where you are focusing your attention at any time.

The model comes from Ken Wilber and, like much of his work, is beautifully simple. It is a classic 2 x 2 model which captures everything within 4 boxes by considering two divisions. One is the division between what is external and what is internal, the other is between what is collective and what is individual. The diagram shows the end result and gives examples of what might be in each box if you were using it to look at everything which relates to behavioural change.

For the individual: the external world contains those things that everyone can see - the skillls, knowledge, physical characteristics etc; the internal world contains what cannot be seen, but affects how the external world is seen - the assumptions, beliefs, biases etc.

For the collective: the external world is similarly about what everyone in the collective organisation can see - organisational structures, explicit rules / regulations and policies, targets and measures (KPIs) etc; the internal world is about shared beliefs that cannot be seen - orthodoxies and prejudices, culture and "unwritten rules", values and expectations etc.

My experience is that when seeking to make changes people often give too much focus to the external world that they can easily see and too little to the inner world - both personal and organisational - that is more difficult to access and more uncomfortable to address.